As our guest you may contribute by:
- Recycling waste at the stations in our common areas.
- Not throwing bottles in the bins. Put them next to the bin, and we deliver them to recycling.
- Turning off the water while brushing your teeth or shaving.
- Turning off the light on leaving your room.
- Removing your chargers from the socket when done.
- Using your towels several times.
- Heat all rooms and pools using ocean water heating.
- Utilise fossile free electricity.
- Always choose LED lighting when possible.
- Choose local produce from local producers.
- Sort all our waste for recycling purposes.
- Arrive at business meetings by public transportation. When not, we co-drive.
- Weigh our food waste and share information with colleagues to reduce the amount.
- Buy ecological and fairtrade beverages.
- Purchase organic beer on 1000 litre tanks to reduce freight of bottles.
- Have listed all dangerous fluids and treat them according to instructions.
- Are in the process of replacing all disposables with re-usable products.
- Engage in a project testing out re-use of oil from the kitchen for other purposes.
- Participate in cleaning local beaches.
- Support organisations like Burn Cancer, Helping Hand and Unicef.
- Sell jewellery, armbands and key chains for the benefit of Edblad, Helping Hand and Unicef – and cooperate with Realstars – Hotels against trafficking.
- Serve fairtrade marked coffee.
- Use mostly ecological milk products and eggs.
- Engage in a project with the Swedish church to collect Christmas gifts for families and children in need of extra support.